Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Post

Well the first post should let you know who I am, and what I do. Just so the rest of my posts make sense.

HOA started as the center for our pagan community over 8 years ago. It has outgrown even itself now. So, the community aspect moved to where it can grow as it should. is now a resource page. Where you can learn and grow.

I am the creator and webmaster of both, and I love being a part of it. It's my way of giving back to a community that has helped me so much become the person I am today.

Professional Life

I have been working in blood banking for over 11 years now. 5 years for one blood bank, and have been working at another for the last 6 years.

I started off drawing blood, but now I train people how to draw blood. It's the most rewarding job that I've ever had. Although, it's not without it's stresses. I actually like going into work each day. Which is something that I never really had.

Personal Life

I am currently going through a divorce. Set for pre-trial on 04/14/2009. Hopefully everything works out then.

Divorce wasn't something that I ever wanted in my life, and it was something that I was very against... But, I know now that sometimes it's for the happiness of those involved. Happiness is not something to take lightly. It's something we must all strive for.

My life is not totally without problems now, but I think I am heading in the right direction. As I realize more and more that life is about patterns to a degree... we must learn our patterns and keep doing the ones that allow us happiness and stop the ones that stop it.

My Father passed away when I was 13 of pancreatic cancer. My Mother passed away when I was 25 of a cerebral accident. So, I don't really have much family.

Family has become more then just blood to me. I consider the closest people in my life... My family. Some of which are blood, others are not.

I enjoy watching sports and camping. Anything that allows me to hang out with my friends.

I relieve the stresses of my day by singing and playing guitar. It's my meditation. My way of drifting from the now into the whatever. It's real magick to me. As it takes a stressed out me and makes me better.